Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miller Broke?

Open Secrets. com reports that Congressman Miller is WAY behind in fundraising this election cycle! Seems that, as of June 30, he has only raised $245,030 in contributions. The average Republican congress-type has raised over $1 million. Seems also that Mr. Miller has spent $286,790-- a bit of a deficit perhaps? No, no, wait, there's some change in the bank: Cash on Hand: $64,122, with no debts.

Odd expenditure:
Okaloosa County Republican Exec Committee: $1200 (isn't the committee supposed to be contributing to him?)

Any news lately from Miller?
No stories found for Jeff Miller.

Let's see what he reported about that boondoggle to Okie-Dokie County with V-P Cheney back a few months..... h-m-m-m-m.... nothing there for the rental of the FWB Fairgrounds, the use of sheriff's deputies and police officers, travel to the area......